LGBT Character Introduced into Star Wars Canon in 'Lords of the Sith'

They need to be very careful with how they handle this. I, personally, don't want sexuality of any sort to be a big focus in Star Wars.

We've had plenty of stories and characters, both major and supporting, that have been straight, white males. We've seen what the world of "Star Wars" looks like through their eyes plenty, I would love to see what it looks like through the eyes of people who don't look or think exactly as I do.

Ok, this is setting off some alarms for me. It might partially be due to straight white males being crapped on constantly for the last half a year in gaming, but whenever someone saying stuff like "we have plenty of straight white male stories", it makes me concerned. That sort of language is often followed by straight white males being ostracized. Don't make us into bad guys and outcasts please.

But I think that last line, "I would love to see what it looks like through the eyes of people who don't look or think exactly as I do." is the most alarming. Come on now, race was pretty much irrelevant in Star Wars. No one made a stink that Mace Windu and Lando Calrissian were black, and only a few confused fans said anything about the Stormtrooper in the Ep 7 trailer (they thought Stormtroopers = Clonetroopers). Your looks only matter in Star Wars if you weren't human.

And don't think like the writer does? That's a terrible way to think. They think differently because their experiences are different. Don't make characters defining trait their race or sexuality. That makes them token characters.

To be brutally honest, every character thinks differently then the writer. That's the point. You're filling an imaginary world with imaginary people. You have to flesh them out to make them feel real. Boiling them down to the colour of their skin, or their sexuality, doesn't accomplish that. It accomplishes the exact opposite of that.

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