It's a little ridiculous!

Firstly, I will grant that I said first wave when I meant second wave and tip my hat to you for catching it.

In response to your points. I consider myself a third wave feminist as well as an egalitarian. I have had many conversations with many women, men, etc who consider themselves feminist and who have a very logical outlook on gender relations in America. Many feminists, while concerned about the pervasiveness of rape and rape culture, are equally as worried about many other gender related issues. I do not think that rape is a sign that all men are pigs but are the actions of a few taken to be the shining example of the male sex as a whole. I think that the "bad feminists" who are no less than bigots themselves give the rest of the reasonable feminists who make up the majority. Another example of the bad actions of a few being taken as the attitude of the whole.

My second statement about needing to educate people that rape is wrong doesn't stop at this obvious conclusion but continues into what constitutes rape and concerns involving consent. The whole idea of "consent is not the absence of a 'no' but an enthusiastic 'yes!'"

Finally, while men and women are equal in many aspects of social, political, and economic matters, there are still many areas where the gap continues. This includes the staggering lack of representation of women and non-white individuals in congress, the fact there are very few female CEOs of major corporations, and the numerous social issues that women deal with on a regular basis.

While I understand your frustration with some of the things that get the feminist label slapped on them (believe me it pisses me off too) that does not represent the views of many an informed and reasonable third wave feminist.

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