The Longer We Delay Impeachment, the Worse This All Gets

Republican Democratic Liberalism is what created this mess.

The Democratic party was never going to resist the Republican party, they serve the same masters of capital.

Their job is to keep the working class from revolution. They do this by running on social platforms that support healthcare, education, wage equality etc. But they are not the "good guys" they're tools of the Capitalist system, just look where they get the funding for their campaigns. It's very clear that this oligarchy system is falling into a fascist knee jerk reaction due to the economic system that harms and exploits the working class.

Class consciousness will be the only way to regain liberty, because like it or not they will not let you vote away their power. It's not going to happen. You're not going to elect a democrat and then everything will get better.

At this moment, it's more likely that if a democrat was getting close to winning or won there will be outright violence perpetrated by the fascist that are now running the show to scare the country into submission to it's will. Trump is not willing to lose to a little thing like objective reality, ten thousand lies and blatant double speak should be sufficient enough evidence for that.

We are fucked unless people start to massively strike and organize a real resistance to this state oppression.

If you're not in the majority demographic of the USA (white, Christian, naturalized citizen) you should be very concerned about your status in this society.

It took ten years between fascists putting people in cages to gassing said people. The US electoral system is setting the parameters to do it in half the time. Tick tock.

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