Looking for some encouragement from those who didn't particularly enjoy the baby and toddler years.

I am not a baby person myself...they’re cute but they’re exhausting and there is only so long you can dangle a toy until you are bored shitless. I especially felt the same as you when my kids were similar ages. There is just no elegant way to co-ordinate a toddler’s need to move and a baby’s sleep schedule. It felt like I was always watching someone’s nap get destroyed and then giving up and having kids fall asleep on the way to an activity. Hang in there, though....now that our youngest is one (oldest is 3.5) things are really hitting their stride. They both nap once a day so we get a little window of catch-up time and they both need a morning and afternoon activity. It’s still tiring, but I don’t feel like I’m constantly failing one or the other. I’m not saying it will be perfect in 6 months, but it will be a hell of a lot better

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