LPT: 20 years of experience in one job is the same as 4-5 years of experience in one job. Keep looking for new jobs after a few years at a certain workplace. It's way faster to earn significantly more money that way rather than waiting for a promotion.

Just interviewed a guy last week that had 18 years experience in one company. He had been working basically keeping one custom system up and running and doing data fixes for spreadsheets for 18 years.

He was interviewing for a software engineer role and he had no depth of knowledge for making systems. He got no transferable skills from those 18 years. We tried to throw him a bunch of easy questions hoping it was just the interview jitters, but he was stuck answering this one job function for every single question.

I think this is the kind of thing OP meant. Especially in tech, you need to try to keep up with the rest of the world. Maybe you don't need to be an expert, but you need to at least be aware.

The easiest way to do that is to migrate often. The harder way to do that is learning on your own.

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