LPT Request: How to just be friends with someone you're in love with?

i posted this in reply to a thread about reasons why guys stopped texting a girl they used to talk to all the time...

i just feel like reminding people to value friendships, even if the other person isn't in to you. im a guy, i stopped talking to a girl during our exams before this summer. i was annoyed about something, she wasn't seeing anything wrong on her part, my last text was, "im not gonna continue this convo, good luck with exams". she texted back something sarcastic, we haven't spoken since.

that argument started because despite being friends for almost 8 months, i felt like she was only my friend because i helped her with school. in hindsight i realize how much closer we were than i thought, and that she wasn't using me. we'd text everyday, she'd vent to me when she was stressed, she'd hit me up whenever she had good news. we were really close, and i hate that i thought she was using me because i now realize she wasn't.

i look back and realize how stupid i was. ever since not talking to her and talking to new people, i realize how incredibly hard it is to form that kind of bond with a stranger. i dont know how we did it, but we went from strangers to (best?) friends. my biggest regret in life is easily cutting off ties with her. such an incredibly stupid decision.

edit: funny thing, i was nearing the finale of HIMYM about two months after not talking to her, and ted (commentating) said something along the lines of "you'd be shocked to learn how easy it is to never talk to some people again, so hold on to your friendships". it was so blunt, and seriously made me rethink what i had done with her. so i texted her, apologized, said i was wrong and that i want to be friends again. and guess what? she said no. i saw her in person about a week later and awkwardly said hi, asked if she would give me a second chance, she still said no. after being insanely stressed and depressed for a month, i texted her, in a last ditch effort, saying everything that was on my mind and telling her how stressed and sorry i am, and guess what? yeah, she still said no. and can i blame her? not really. anyways, if anyone reads this, just hold on to your friendships, cherish them, because it's hard to find good friends.

/r/LifeProTips Thread