LPT Request: How not to cry when you're angry/when someone is angry at you?

Look, you react more to emotional stimuli....just like a fair skinned person reacts more to the sun. Both are biological responses to outside stimuli. Just accept that you're fair skinned when it comes to emotional stuff. Wishing to have skin that tans isn't going to work for you. Just figure out what your sun screen is.

Me, I cry at everything. So if I know I'm going into a confrontation, I prepare for it, I think through their side and my side and try to get my speech ready. I find if I've thought through the different way things can go, the hurtful things someone might say, I've kind of Pre-processed the emotion.

When I'm super mad at someone, I'll tell them I need to cool down and set a time for when we can talk. That way I can process the emotion and keep the conversation focused on the outcome I want.

When someone comes at me and it's unexpected, that's when things get teary. But I listen to what they are saying and pretend it's a voicemail. I tell myself all I have to do is listen, I don't have to respond. After the initial deluge is over, my first response is usually more information gathering, like a second voicemail. So I ask something like 'what do you want to see from me.' Or simply, 'do you have anything else?' Then I summarize the 'voicemails'. If I can handle it, I'll talk right then. If I can't, I say I heard you and I want to respond fairly. Give me a few minutes to think about it. I then retreat until I can calm down and re-engage

If someone doesn't let me retreat, then I go for the passive aggressive thing and say, 'it's important to me that I handle this like an adult / professionally. I'm a little overwhelmed right now, so please give me a little space to order my mind.' The not-so-subtle hint is that if they don't give you time then they are the child/unprofessional one

/r/LifeProTips Thread