LPT: While ending a relationship, be as nice as you can.

This story is exactly why OP made this suggestion and what happens to people who want to be shitty as fuck to try and bring you down to their level when they had the option to be civil. So my Ex wanted to still be "friends" with her Ex and proceeded to fuck him while we were dating try to keep it from me... then breaks up with me after many months of dating. Our relationship was going nowhere and it was never great so I was just emotionally over the whole thing so when she was like "I want to break up" expecting me to be like, "Why babe, we can work this out blah blah" I was just like, "O..kay" even then still not knowing she cheated on me just had my suspicions. I'm leaving her house and shes pissed off because I was just like "cool I'm out". She tried to make me mad and said, "I don't ever want to see you again" I'm thinking whatever and I say, "fine then have a nice life" like IDGAF at all. She slaps me and I have to hold back a chuckle as I walk away and get in my car.

Then MANY months later I'm on the web and decide I'll check facebook(since I never do because garbage/waste of time website) and myspace was still going strong(this was a number a years ago when FB was first out). I spy a message from old Ex'y it read, "I cheat on you with that shithead while we were dating" She had sent it months ago and I never get on so I didn't see it till it was way to late but it still made me mad. Partially because it wasn't the first time I had been cheated on by some whore but I decided it was going to be the last time because I was sick of treating women nice just so they can fuck whoever they wanted and pretend like it's all good. So I screen cap the message and make a blog post about it where all are mutual friends could see. I mean seriously? You cheated on me, call it off and then want to get shitty...?

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