Lurking Anti-GGers, why are you against Gamer gate?

So if it is really about "ethics in gaming" then why was there not any mass uproar by the community before this incident came along involving a feminist woman? I'm going to go ahead and borrow some arguments from HailtotheQueen for a moment.

"So when I hear someone claim that GamerGate isn’t about the sexism that I have seen in the community ever since I first started gaming as a kid over a decade ago, I call BULLSHIT on it immediately. The whole “corruption in gaming” nonsense is just a smokescreen to cover the real issue… How do I know this? Well because there have been quite a few examples of corruption in the gaming industry and none of them stirred up this much rage. No death threats. No harassment. Most of them were barely spoken about by the gaming community, other than a few videos by some of the gaming YouTubers.

The recent Shadow of Mordor controversy barely registered in the gaming community. No threats, no harassment, no rage. Just a few videos by TotalBiscuit and Boogie2988. Where was the outrage?

The Jeff Gertsman incident? Why weren’t there death threats and harassing emails sent to Eidos or Gamespot over that? No threats, no harassment, no rage. Where was the outrage?

Where was the GamerGate movement when Microsoft was paying YouTubers for positive coverage of the Xbox One? That controversy was dead almost immediately. No threats, no harassment, no rage. Where was the outrage?

Where was the movement when the report about Electronic Arts also compensating YouTubers for positive coverage was released? No threats, no harassment, no rage. Where was the outrage?

We have had many examples of corruption in the gaming industry and yet we barely every heard a word about it from most gamers until a situation came along involving a female game developer. Then it was suddenly the friggin end of the world as we know it and the community went batshit insane. LOL Then they started dragging other women into the battle so they could declare that women and minorities want to ruin gaming while at the same time arguing that it wasn’t actually about the women and minorities. Oh no, it was totally about the corruption in gaming that they never cared about before. And of course, when the Shadow of Mordor controversy popped up AFTER the Zoey Quinn incident, they suddenly didn’t care about corruption again."

Also, to add to her point, explain to me why the majority of videos and blog posts I have read from GamerGater people focus entirely on feminists, "SJWs", and women in general. Go compare the tiny number of posts and videos about actual JOURNALISTS like Nathan Grayson to the number about Zoey Quinn. Anita Sarkeesian or Brianna Wu and it starts to become pretty clear.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread