M/20/6'2"/ [245lbs > 225lbs = 20lbs] (1 month)

Alright so I'll try to be as detailed as possible. I'll start off by saying that I work a 24/48 schedule which means I'm on shift for 24 hours and off for 48 (am a paramedic) so that makes it a little easier to get a good routine going but I think you can adapt it to get the same results working a 9-5.

I started off by getting a lifting routine from a friend which basically splits muscle groups each day so it'll be chest/legs/arms/shoulders and back. However because of my schedule I ending mixing two groups together each day and then use the day I work as a rest day.

I've been doing very little cardio and when I do its HIIT on the stationary bike and usually only for 10-20 minutes and some days I don't even do it.

As far as diet I keep it really simple and use a sort of intermittent fasting. On the days I work I eat less than 1000 calories (mind my daily maintenance is around 3600 calories) which I know sounds shocking but I never feel weak or have BGL issues (blood glucose level) which did surprise my a little but I think is key for losing weight as fast as I am. On these days I eat half a carton of egg beaters just fried up like an omelet in the morning with hot sauce and then a Atkins meal bar OR a Slimfast shake for lunch and then a meal bar AND a shake for dinner. I know it doesn't sound like much and it isn't but since I'm usually pretty busy at work I don't really notice. On the days I'm off I eat the same breakfast and then for dinner I eat two grilled chicken breast and brown rice. Now for anyone that has a problem with convenience like me... Tyson pre packaged chicken breasts (they come individually wrapped and are already marinated) and uncle Ben's instant brown rice are god-sent. You can cook the chicken in a pan on the stove in like five minutes and the rice cooks in 90 seconds and I eat just a whole bag of the rice with my chicken. Also it's hard for me to eat this stuff plain so I ate a lot of barbecue sauce with it haha. Another good meal I throw in sometimes is a can of tuna mixed with a bag of rice mixed with as much salsa as you need to make it taste good.

Now for supplements... not really a supplement but I drink a lot of coffee. Caffeine is amazing at burning fat. However I also take Cellucor Super HD weight loss (two pills in morning and one at noon) which also has a lot of caffeine in it so my resting heart rate has been around 100, which isn't good long term but won't cause any problems for healthy people in just a few months. I also drink BCAA powder once a day on my work days and then once while I'm working out on my off days followed by a protein shake right after I work out.

Also another big thing is to make sure you drink a good amount of water, I don't go crazy but I always try to get in at least one liter a day, on my off days I usually drink 2-3 liters.

The absolute most important thing though is the calorie deficit. You want the biggest calorie deficit you can possibly get without experiencing any acute health problems (dizziness/heart palpitations etc.) And I know people say that it will put your body into fat storing mode or whatever but I think that's bullshit because I just lost 20 pounds in one month doing it. However take this as an anecdote and not a fact and make sure you do as much research yourself as possible because there's a lot of false info out there and everybody is different. You just have to figure out what works best for you. And I know it's cliche but you really do have to put you're mind to it and just grind. One of my biggest motivators is seeing how fast time goes by and just thinking "look at how fast these last couple months have gone by, imagine if I had just been dieting and excersing every day where I'd be now" and sure enough the last month has felt like only a week or two. Just make sure though above all else that every day you put everything you have into it.

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