I’m a feminine-ish gay, progressive, 19 year old and starting to not be able to stand my anti-men women friends

Yes it's way past a probl3m.

It's so bad that you actually can't call it out, especially as a straight man, or your just 'proving' you're a monster and don't understand or Carr about women.

Seriously, I get it. Life has hard elements. Many victims are women.

The reality is, many victims are also men. We just don't have a voice. And are told we are pieces of shit every day. And if we ask not to be called a piece of shit, then we doubly deserve to be called a piece of shit.

Mens suicide statistics are 3x what women's are. Women's and society's treatment of men has a significant role in this.

I did the maths. You're more than 60x more likely to die from suicide as a man, than to die as a woman at the hands of a male partner.

Something had gone horribly, horribly wrong in the equality movement.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread