Man Denies Arlington, TX Police Officers Entry Into His Home Without A Search Warrant And They Still Went In Anyway!

My ex had a history of claiming she suddenly feels like something is wrong and she's going to pass out. So one day she calls me up and i'm not there, so she leaves a message about how she feels really weird and maybe she should go to the hospital and please call her back asap because she's scared.

So I call her back 5 minutes later. No answer.

I try a few times again and no answer.

I thought the odds were pretty good that everything was fine, but if it wasn't, and i just ignored that message it would be terrible... so I called 911.

(I lived in Quebec, she lived in Ontario at the time. I didn't know anyone around her to call).

So it turns out that she called her mom right after me, and was just ignoring me every time i called her to keep chatting with her mom.

I never got a call like that again, and that's my story on how you can call the cops on someone just for not answering the phone.

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