Do you know many girls/women who play video games?

:) Sorry if that came off rude, it's just your whole line of reasoning is faulty and very true to your name.

You started by saying that "And this attitude is why most people don't know I play video games," which is a highly suspect claim, but you really got on my nerves when you went on to try to make it a gender thing. It's not. Honestly, it's a self-important jerk thing.

I'm not a gamer in the sense of video games, and would never claim to be, but I do recognize what you're talking about from participating in other fandoms (comic fanboys, tabletop gamers, wargamers, etc.). There is always competition between guys, and male dominated hobbies tend to reflect a predominately male culture. In fandoms, there is a bit of dick measuring contest to determine who is the most knowledgeable, most competent, etc. at the hobby.

Sometimes women enter into these male-dominated spheres and try to participate, and they get subjected to these dick measuring contests...and the reality of their experience with the hobby has no connection to their egos. They think they deserve to be taken as seriously as a fan without actually making any effort, and get butthurt and bent out of shape because nobody takes them seriously.

It bugs the shit out of me when women like you complain about this, because it's entirely your fault. I know this because if you actually know your shit and really are into the hobby, or if your secure in yourself and can accept that, yes, in fact, you are a novice, then dick measuring contests aren't a threat.

It's only people who want all the credit without doing all the effort, people who demand respect they have not earned, that get bent out of shape over this stuff. It's certainly not a plot to keep women out of fandoms -- its a plot to keep posers with fevered egos out.

Basically you're whining that you didn't get special privileged treatment for being a girl, and were treated exactly the same as any guy in a hobby fandom.

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