Marine Le Pen to withdraw France from NATO’s unified military command if she wins

Very easily, but it does take time. It's an incremental process. This video outlines the process:

Don't get caught up on him mentioning "liberalism". That was b/c they were pushing that agenda at the time. He makes the point over and over that they target both sides and don't care politically. The point is to make people extreme and unstable and cause chaos. There's a reason why the NRA was overtaken by Russians. A lot of the West's problems can be traced to direct, psychological warfare.

An example is fruitarianism. No one starts out that way. You have some legitimate concerns about food quality and advertising. But, you get pushed and pushed to more extreme viewpoints based on what was at first something rational until you are nuts.

All of these things - DJT, Brexit, etc. benefit one person and his agenda. Now, it's taking place but I don't believe it's enough but it was a 20 year plan to destabilize the West and it worked somewhat. We'll see.

The sad thing is that b/c the process is done in small increments the person cannot see that they are subverted until, like with covid, they are literally on their deathbed. Then they have a horrible epiphany. It's the most evil tactic you can imagine and it's not new. It's like political gaslighting and its purpose is to destroy you and most people, like with hypnosis, are susceptible. Notice anytime something is pushing you to be a bit more extreme. The technique does not work on moderates which is why they are always against moderate candidates regardless of side.

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