Mass sexual assault reported at music festival in Germany: The attacks are similar to those reported in Cologne and other cities on New Year's Eve.

  1. No, actually, those statistics help prove my point. Following European Imperialism, Christian missionaries came over to Africa, where they influenced the natives with incredibly strict doctrine. As a result, homosexuals are typically lynched, and sex before marriage is very much considered disgraceful. A promiscuous woman is seen as a pathetic creature to many African countries, and Female Genital Mutilation is rampant. FGM specifically exists to prevent a woman from "succumbing to her desires and having sex before marriage". And yet, the continent has the highest HIV count. Huh, it seems that faith and strict doctrine doesn't prevent the spread. What a surprise.

  2. They don't have the choice to do whatever they want, though, because they are indoctrinated to fear Allah's wrath for doing something that is a very natural act. They are told they are worthless if they have sex before marriage, and as a result, women who are raped frequently attempt suicide, as they feel worthless. This can be seen in America as well, where fundamentalist Christians tell their daughters that having sex before marriage is disgraceful, and that if you have sex, you're worthless. You can see more about these problems here. So I'd say that prohibiting sex education and talking about sex in public would cause more harm than good. It could lead to abuse (if she doesn't know what sex is, how does she know she isn't being abused?), insecurity (if a women is assaulted, she feels like trash for being raped, as she has now had sex before marriage), and could lead to more teenage pregnancies (studies show that when teenagers are not taught well enough in sex education, teenage pregnancies rise) (Citation: Here). So, through a culture of being more open about sexual interaction, we can reduce pregnancies, increase use of protection to reduce chances of STDs, and decrease mental abuse given to rape victims.

  3. I'm saying that the many should not be punished for the "crimes" or "misdoings" of the few. Because a few people get pregnant, that doesn't mean people should stop having sex. It's not logical, and only makes sense if you put it in context of a religion in which sex before marriage is considered immoral. Take the religion away, and there's no reason to force people to deprive themselves of natural urges until a preset circumstance.

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