Maybe boring “nice guys” don’t finish, charming and suave “nice guys” become successful fuck boys that may not even want to finish, and genuine “nice guys” finish last as the saying goes

Jesus the amount of bad advice given here, telling others to "be a jerk, and take, take women. "

A guy can be a nice guy and still get women. Nice does not mean pushover nice. Nice means respectful and treating others like human beings but don't be a fucking doormat.

So you can treat women with respect, but if she does something disrespectful to you, then you need to have a calm talk with her. Don't keep it bottled up.

In other words, you can be nice. You still need to stand up for yourself and others. That is attractive.

I'm one of the nicest guys on this planet, but I will fuck shit up when there's injustice.

/r/dating Thread