Megathread: Obama's Statement on Orlando Shooting

Making a long rambling mess of a comment with lots of EMPHASISING CAPS and COOL SWEAR WORDS doesn't make your argument intelligent, no matter how much "look I'm a free thinking intelligent atheist" rhetoric you splooge all over it

Attacking my character instead of making a good counter-argument doesn't make you any better.

It's not about using "cool swear words", it's about conveying emotion. I'm pissed-off. Excuse me if I feel emotions and excuse me if I prefer the ease of using ALL CAPS instead of italics.

None of that was about trying to be cool at all. That's how I talk in every day life, it's more habitual than anything else.

Religion can't do anything. It's words in a book. People do things.

Horrible argument. "People do things". Whooaaaa, mind blown! Totally blew my argument out of the water!

Holy books are taught as absolute, undeniable facts and indoctrinate people to truly believe they must commit to certain behaviors in order to be accepted into heaven after death. Yes, religion DOES do shit to people. It really, really does.

In fact, merely calling them "words in a book" would be a great disrespect to devout believers in religion.

What differs is the practice of religion. Saying "Islam is bad" because Muslims do evil shit is simply moronic.

Football hooligans cause huge riots and invoke violence on a regular basis. Should we hate Football and Football supporters?

Islam IS bad if it preaches hatred for infidels and anyone that doesn't follow their agenda.

If as many football supporters were as bad as Islam there'd be many, MANY dead people every year. That being said - no, I'm actually not a fan of football in fact and yes, I do think a great number of them are gigantic muscle-headed morons.

It's just such a childish outlook to have. It's for people that are incapable of searching for the true reasons as to why these atrocities are committed and instead want a Hollywood-esq "good guys" and "bad guys" scenario that their minds can comprehend.

What's your point with this? That people should stop and try to hug the problem away just because lack of education and poverty is part of the reason?

First - there's no promise that giving them education and wealth would make them a peaceful people, and I don't care to take a gamble with human lives and great deals of money for their sake.

Second - It's not our goddamn problem. Our responsibility as the United States of America should, as any country, begin and end with our interests as the United States of America. We are Americans - the American government should exist to protect and serve it's people and nothing more. The populations of other countries are NOT our concern, and WE should not be any of THEIR concern either.

So no if your point is we should sympathize and try to make their lives better, I disagree and say that's not our fucking problem. It IS our problem when they try to incite violence against us as if they're entitled to anything we have - but that's when we should crush them in return.

Oh, let's not talk about the fact his own family said he was mentally unstable. Let's not talk about the fact he was on an FBI watch list for two years and still this was allowed to happen. No, it was Islam! It was all the Muslims fault and I'm being oppressed by liberals because people are not agreeing with me when I cry about this being the cause!

Do you really think people convert to Islam and then become nuts? Like really? You genuinely believe people don't already have fucked up tendencies then see an ideology to use as an excuse? Seriously? Yes, sorry to tell you but even white people can have these harmful views long before they're exposed to Islam.

He probably converted to Islam because he was so mentally fucked that Islam made sense to him. The point would remain that regardless if you're taught Islam since birth or convert to it, you're a higher risk factor. In fact, converts should be far MORE suspicious. I think it takes a crazy person to not just be born into Islam, but to read into it and think it actually makes any sense. Usually converts are crazier than natives. Converts get twice the skepticism from me.

You think that if Islam didn't exist shit would change? You don't think they'd just find another cause for their wars and bigoted beliefs? This way of thinking is a joke!

They absolutely would. And they should be crushed one after another as they rise.

I told you - I'm an atheist. Anything faith-based is ridiculous and incorrect to me. People that need faith are weak in my eyes - they need a god to give them a sense of purpose.

So yeah, of course they'd find a new facilitator for their bigotten beliefs. And ya know what? I'd hate every new head of the hydra and gladly fight every single one until the day something finally does me in. I think part of our entire purpose as humans is to evolve and I think overcoming these obstacles is part of that and one of our responsibilities. We should see to the end of "faith" and the rise of scientific prosperity and superiority.

But after all, the fact you keep asking no one give a counterargument makes me believe you are not nearly as intelligent as you seem to think you are...

I never said I'm smarter than everyone else nor do I believe I am. In fact, I think there's more emotion to me than intellect.

Still, I'm giving you nothing but my unfiltered thoughts and emotions. If you think I'm self-righteous then fine, I don't demand that you like me or my opinions, I expect nothing of anyone except for them to at least respect my right to have one.

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