Men of reddit who’ve dated or are currently dating a disabled partner (blind, deaf, physically handicapped, etc.) what is it like and how did you start dating?

My man, don’t forget to take care of yourself too. I am truly in awe of your caliber and dedication to your sanctity. In my line of work I see a huge amount of caregiver exhaustion and mental health decline just based on chronic fatigue. Just remember if you take care of yourself, your wife will be taken care of as well. Reach out to local groups, organizations and families who deal with what you are going through. I’ve come across many men in your position who felt that asking for help is a sign of weakness or not obliging to “until death do us part”. I know you didn’t ask for advice, however I’m just chiming in my experiences because I also have had to deal with a family member who required assistance. Unfortunately my exhaustion over took me and I started to go into a decline. Gained weight, shut out people, and became controlling of the situation. It wasn’t until I read Marty Schreiber’s My Two Elaines that I came to see that I have suffered from caregiver exhaustion. Look it up in your free time. It’s a great memoir of former Gov of Wisconsin Marty and how he saw his wife change in his very eyes suffering from Alzheimer’s. Please forgive my intrusion. Thanks for adding to my hope.

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