Men should be able to hit women for self defense.

You probably won’t see this but…this is…really smart. I’m a woman but my ex boyfriend was 5’8 and very thin. I have martial arts experience and while I’m only a blue belt and 5’1, he lived off one McDonald’s meal a day. I’m only about 20 lbs lighter than him. He used to bite me, slap me, choke me, pin me down…and I loved him so much that I’d only defended myself a handful of times (when I wasnt using the bear hug method myself) and each time he’d use it against me that I’d hurt him more than he hurt me. I should taken it outside with him and shown him who was really the big strong man of the relationship. I’ve sparred men twice his size. Gonna hold onto this advice in case I’m in that situation again, god forbid.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent