Men in their twenties should read this!

Not interesting in convincing him, but you were interested in making a snarky comment. That's the kind of thing that can hurt our image as a community. If you'd said "You'll miss out on the benefits, but it's your body" that'd be a lot different, it's the sarcastic tone I don't like.

Making negative comments like that is bad, at least as bad as them having a few beers now and then. It's a bad habit to respond negatively when someone else insults us or says something negative, but it's a worthwhile habit to break. You want to cut those things out right?

e.g. If someone insults you in a reddit thread etc
it's natural to respond to that with hostility for most people. It's not beneficial to do so, and can encourage more negativity. It can push a community to become toxic. (like league of legends, where criticizing everyone in nasty ways is the norm).

Nofap is a welcoming, tolerant and accepting community at the moment, for the most part. Let's help keep it that way by not making sarcastic remarks, no matter how well deserved we think they are.

/r/NoFap Thread Parent