Michelle Obama: 'People Don't Trust Politics' Because GOP Is 'All Men, All White'

My ex's family were all Mexican Americans and very much conservative but they, as they told me, were divided because immigration was a large part of the group dialog. Not in the way you may think. My ex's mother is an illegal immigrant, thrice deported. The consensus among the close family is that she is breaking the law but don't want their mother to go back to Mexico. I haven't polled them about their opinion on Trump but I imagine they'd hate him for being a mouthy idiot but appreciate their community not being played to. Their attitude was that immigration laws were very important but felt the complacency of law enforcement to enforce the law was the real problem. They knew all sorts of people who use their stay in the US as a criminal playground. To them it felt as if those using their stay in that way thought that being here was going to be short so might as well make the most of it. In case it is not clear the people they mentioned would survive on petty crime. I don't know whom they are referring to but that is what they said about them.

/r/Conservative Thread Parent Link - breitbart.com