Microsoft publishing upcoming MOBA-like game "Gigantic"; will be exclusive to Windows 10 and Xbox One with cross-platform play between the two

Okay, this will be my last post regarding it because I won't entertain your infantile rageposts that continually say nothing.

Your points: Cross-buy/play is worth limiting the game to Win10 only. The game will achieve success because of this.

My points: Microsoft is hamstringing the success of the game by limiting the potential playerbase, and in a market that is becoming increasingly saturated. It has direct market competition in Overwatch, which has no artificial limitations on shit like this, and is being developed by Blizzard. They are going to get wrecked.

Yes, people who have legitimate copies of Win7/8 can, for a limited time window, upgrade to Windows 10 for free. That will definitely, undeniably up the amount of people transitioning to Windows 10 during that timeframe. Unfortunately that still means little. Human beings are creatures of habit - anyone that has worked in the tech field should be able to tell you how reluctant people are to change something like an OS when their current one works fine. I mean for fuck's sake most of the people I help on a daily basis haven't even allowed Windows Updates, the completely free and only beneficial service, to run for months because they don't want their machine to restart. And now you want to convince me that a large crowd will transition entire Operating Systems because of a single f2p game made by an unproven indie studio? Sure.

So I don't know how to say this any other way. I will be upgrading to Win10 when I can - I will also be playing Gigantic. I fucking love everything about the game, this announcement aside. That is why this news frustrates me because when I try and get my friends to play, they are going to decline because they won't want to upgrade their OS just to try a game out. Ease of access is everything in a F2P style game like this.

To put it simply: putting this exclusively on Win 10 is going to kill any shot at this game reaching a wide enough audience to nourish a successful competitive scene.

If that is too much for you to process, or if you still disagree with me, I don't think there is anything else that can be said about it.

/r/Games Thread Link -