....you might have a BPDSO

I really needed this today.

If you've ever been to the store and rushed your shopping to try and beat the imaginary timer home so your spouse doesn't criticize your shopping speed.........you might have a BPDSO.

Or getting home from work fifteen minutes late. "What's her name?!" "Traffic. She's a bitch."

If you go get a glass of water during underwear commercials so you don't have to pass the "I wasn't looking test"...........you might have a BPDSO.

There are at least two really great TV shows we've stopped watching because a character either has the name of an ex-girlfriend for me, or they have the same hair color as a girl my BPDso hates because I mentioned I had a crush on her in high school.

If you ever turned down an invite from friends to go somewhere benign because "it wasn't worth the consequences"........you might have a BPDSO.

Add to that: when you don't hang out with friends because she expects to be invited too, yet you can't invite her because your friends explicitly can't stand her behavior.

If you've ever agreed with your spouse you need to save more money and reminded them of this when they wanted to go out to eat, to have them instead make the narrative about how you should earn more money and stop making them live like peasants.........you might have a BPDSO.

I've been working a second job for a week while she's apparently "unable to work due to medical reasons," yet she still manages to eat out three meals a day on my credit card.

If you ever have been at a point where you know whatever you say next can and will be held against you for probably at least 15 years so you opt to say nothing, and then get vilified for ignoring your SO...........you might have a BPDSO.

I don't share any interesting facts with her anymore because it always ends up with "where did you learn that?! Who told you that?! Are you secretly using that horrible Reddit site again?!"

If you were ever part of an all night rant session and during a lull pretended to be asleep and hope they bought it...........you might have a BPDSO.


If your hectic, fast paced, demanding job is actually the most solace you get on any given day...........you might have a BPDSO.

Signed up for another one.

If you don't answer their text within 10 minutes they always follow up with a "why do you even have a cell phone if you don't check it"...............you might have a BPDSO.

Check. Add to that, she calls, and if you don't pick up she keeps calling until you do. Makes meetings at work a lot of fun.

If you've ever gotten the silent treatment for 2 days because someone on facebook did something nice for their spouse and somehow that means you don't love them enough......you might have a BPDSO.

Or, been given the silent treatment because your ex girlfriend is now engaged, and even though you don't follow her, your BPDso Facebook stalks her and brings it up in conversation, and then feels offended when it's a bit of a mood killer for you.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread