#MillionStudentMarch wants free tuition, debt forgiveness, and $15/hr minimum wage

Just like you are incapable of backing up your unsupported claims? Weird. At least I have data that proves those with college educations make more. You have...anecdotal data.

Again, I made no claims to the contrary. This is what is getting to me - I am asking the question, have those within the last ten years of graduating college obtained their jobs (or secured their income) due to the fact that they hold a degree?

There are no studies and no data to back that up. That's the question I'm asking. With changing hiring climates, and with the majority of college graduates not going into the a career congruent with their field of study, I would hypothesize we will see data over the next thirty years demonstrating that a college degree was not the defining factor (or even a factor to begin with).

Yeah, if you don't go to college, the chances of you knowing people that went to college and were successful goes down. Meanwhile, I went to college, and 8 of my college friends are making bank at Microsoft.

Your first statement is untrue and unprovable. You second statement - if I remember correctly you graduated with an engineering degree - demonstrates the use of highly technical engineering fields as a useful degree, which I believe I emphatically supported in previous posts and replies.

That's a small amount of the degrees available and no where near a bulk of the ones being obtained.The bulk of the degrees being obtained are useless.

So you wouldn't hire someone that didn't have a degree or experience either.

Only experience. College is laughable experience in most fields (nearly all of them).

But getting experience is actually pretty easy for college students, as every college has a career fair where they get internships.

Lol, interns. The moment I hear somebody was an intern is the moment I discount them. Congratulations - you fetched coffee for a few months and felt important.

I graduated with 3 internships under my belt because I was able to attend career fairs, something my non-college brethren could not.

I could have had multiple internships -and were offered them - but declined because I don't work for free. I work for money.

Wait, so on one hand, it takes work ethic to go to college.

No,it doesn't take work ethic to go to college. Most people who go to college have a higher work ethic.

On the other, you think college grads have no work ethic.

Many people who graduate college are under the assumption that their degree will open doors for them (as they're told that) it never will, and many end up as in-debt failures, as we can see by the current climate.

Seriously, you can't even be consistent in the same comment

You seem incapable of understanding the central, un-changed argument. This makes me wonder about your critical thinking abilities. Have you ever had to analyze data to create actionable results? Doesn't seem like it.

At least try to decide whether you think someone that went to college has a good work ethic or a poor one.

Again, people who graduate college are more likely to have a higher work ethic than those who never went. However, the fact that very few obtain jobs and subsequent income for what they actually went to college for is testimony to the thought process that their college degrees played little to no part in them being hired in a completely alternative discipline.

Therefore, the act of getting a college degree cannot possible be causation for getting work. The more logical explanation is that people who attend college are more likely to have the work ethic to put their foot in the proverbial door for any profession.

This work ethic would be there whether or not they went to college.

Maybe in the extremely small subset of whatever you do for a living. But, once again, your generalization of the whole system based on your own experience makes 0 sense.

These are the emerging trends in a global market. To deny this, for me, is financial death. The fact that I have to adapt to it in order to survive - along with other companies - means it is a reality, not a subset or a fringe occurrence.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - louderwithcrowder.com