Mods on JusticeServed: "Any users criticizing the BLM movement, Antifa, or the current protests against police brutality will be immediately and permanently banned."

Nah it doesn’t. You’re just an ass who likes to assume things and you come off extremely ignorant and narcissistic(from 2 comments, that’s impressive)

Btw you hypocritically just spelt and capitalized Antifa the exact same ways you attacked me for doing lol, but again you aren’t a logical human being so you get to attack others for the exact same actions you make

Lastly, for you to say Antifa isn’t the antithesis of justice when I’ve seen them cause our peaceful protest to turn violent last week is absolutely absurd. Causing chaos and legitimately trying to start anarchy isn’t right. And saying that doesn’t make me right wing. But again that doesn’t matter to you and it all comes back to the narcissistic, hypocritical and illogical person you are so

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