That moment when you first listen to Rage Against the Machine and the lyrics from 30 years ago are as applicable as they are today...

Nah mate, let 'em share in the Rage. I'm a middle aged, Karen looking woman who used to rock the fuck out in the metal clubs to this. Their message is needed in these times more than ever. I hope people find more great older stuff such as the Manic Street Preachers "if you tolerate this then your children will be next" etc. We always need to encourage learning of new things and not put people down for their discoveries. (Also, the UK made this Christmas number 1 after getting fed up of the X-Factor always winning. Was funny as F watching this get reported across all media outlets as clinching the coveted Christmas number one). Don't be annoyed mate, teach (and also learn, my teens are always showing me new things. They teach me as much as I teach them).

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