Most Americans don’t want Trump to run in 2024 - Only 35 per cent of all voters want the former president to run for office again

Sure those people exist, the bigger issue is how much influence they have on platforms like FB. Think about it, FB has become the platform of older people. They interact with a small group and live in small communities, they are easier to sway to radical bs. That’s how this whole crowd has come to exist. They live in a bubble and never interact in real world situations that would enlighten their view. As much as they call younger people scum for living in mom’s basement, they are more susceptible to the views because they run in small circles. They’re never actually going to get called out anywhere except online. It’s disgusting that boomers have been basically ignored and as they fell to racist/fascist views their children and grandchildren took a stance of “ok boomer, just die already”.

Social media has truly created a huge generational rift to feed themselves off of, all at the cost of society actually being able to function.

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