The Moto X Play is missing some sensors, for example it has no gyroscope.

Motorola seems to have a good reputation in the states, although decent CS and prices alone will help that enormously. I don't usually comment about Motorola on reddit as the user base here is mostly American. It seems to me that a large proportion of reddit/android is in love with Motorola simply for being close to stock android; having American links; having the odd nifty gimmick; and because they're priced reasonably when compared to the competition in the US. Those readers that this generalisation applies to don't have to put up with the way that Motorola treats their customers in the vast majority of the world, and they'd have a entirely different opinion of Motorola if they did.

My very first mobile was made by Motorola. I adored my Razr too, and it was arguably my first phone that could be called anything remotely approaching smart, along with the Nokia E series I used for work back in the day before iPhones were a thing. I have huge affinity for, and history with, Motorola, and yet they're on my tech shit list even higher up than Acer.

It annoys me that there's such a lack of decent choices, even with a plethora of android devices out in the wild. I love HTC, but they really don't help themselves with the way they handle public perception - flagship devices looking the same; the dreaded black bar; ads pushed through sense. (I will, however, say that still to this day, the best all around device I've owned is the GPe M8.) I just can't bring myself to buy a Samsung. Samsung pushing unwanted ads at me isn't going to change that, nor is having warranty dramas with Knox. Sony make some excellent devices, but again unlocking the bootloader can cause dramas, such as affecting the camera (although I think this has since been resolved). I may well support their next Zc simply as I haven't bought an Xperia since the S, and I want manufacturers to produce flagships as sub 5" phones. Sony have been really good with respect to the android community lately too. LG have impressed me since the Nexus 4, and are ever more appealing in a market where SD cards and removable batteries are fast disappearing. Their design choices can be an acquired taste though. All I really want is a phone (another Nexus?) which isn't unwieldy for one handed use; has flagship specs; gets continued support and timely updates, without unnecessary carrier and OEM intervention; and which I can unlock and root without losing functionality in the process. You'd think that wouldn't be too much to ask... Hell, I don't even have a problem in dropping £500+ on a phone if I consider it to meet my requirements, so it's not like I'm being demanding on a budget.

So yeah, Motorola's devices make much sense to me, in theory. The execution though - speaking as a price gouged Brit, brushed off by a disinterested CS - is abysmal. I shan't ever be giving them another expensive yet frustrating opportunity to disappoint me again.

/end rant

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