Muslims united in condemning suicide attack on Islam’s holy site. “There are no more red lines left for terrorists to cross. Sunnis, Shiites will both remain victims unless we stand united as one,”

I don't expect anything from Muslims living in the Middle East. They're just living their lives and they can't control what happens here.

I expect more from the Muslim communities here in the west. For the last two attacks in the US, there were numerous people in close proximity to the attackers that knew something was happening. In Mollenbeck this Abdeslam guy was fairly well known and had a large network harboring him.

In England, you don't think this fucking Anjem Choudary motherfucker has a whole congregation and network of people that either know about terrorist activity and financing or know people they're strongly suspicious of?

Too many times now we hear family and friends saying after the fact, "well he was getting more angry and extreme there toward the end but we never thought he was capable of it."

And lots of people will say, "well it'd be hard for you to report on a family member if you were in their situation." Well thank god I'm not in their situation. I'm sure it's incredibly hard to do but that doesn't change the moral obligation. If there's not enough to charge someone, then your report won't ruin their life (we saw that with the Orlando shooter... FBI was very hesitant to get aggressive absent stronger evidence). If there is enough evidence though... well you just saved dozens or hundreds of lives.

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