My [22F] long distance SO [27M] can't give me any sexual attention and it's ruining our relationship

lack of intimacy is ruining your relationship

It is. It's no one's fault if we live in countries with different festivities and our jobs do not allow holidays before august. We're planning on moving in in September and the situation will change, since as I said in the post we have sex just fine when there aren't 2k kilometers between us.

The lack of intimacy is really killing this thing for me, but not as much as being constantly turned down by the one person that should find me hot and fuckable. It's been taking a toll on my self esteem. I'm not proud of almost cheating, but I'm not blind and when I'm sex deprived and an attractive guy wants to sleep with me of course I'll think about it. There's a huge difference between thinking about it and acting on it tho, and if relationship were actually ruined by one party thinking "ah damn I'd fuck that person but I want because that'd be disrespectful to my SO" there wouldn't be couples in the world.

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