My (28M) girlfriend (26F) blatantly flirted with her coworker in front of me, then freaked out when I confronted her about it.

Individuals set boundaries they are comfortable with in their own relationships. If OP has been with her for two years and this is new, this is disrespectful. My wife has a close friend who is a dude and I'm cool with it. They'll grab dinner or go to a ball game and I don't get jealous because I trust my wife. If my wife were being all touchy with him I'd be pissed too. It does not sound like this is OP's GF's default behavior. Also presume the texting is out of character.

OP probably could have handled it better, but she definitely disrespected him. Recommend you guys have a heart to heart. Tell her you're uncomfortable with her being touchy. Let her respond and figure out something that works.

But if you lose trust just end it. If you look hard enough for a reason not to trust someone you'll find something and the imagination does awful things to otherwise benign actions.

/r/relationship_advice Thread