My 6 month opiate binge.

Made an account to post to reply. Listen, I also understand the temptations to take these drugs that make you feel insanely good but obviously your use has spiraled WAY out of control. Please go to a rehab center, dude. You're in over your head, and benzo withdrawals combined with opiate withdrawals at those doses require medical supervision for you to get off of.

Am I the only Redditor whose heart is breaking every time I read another post a someone 15 years old getting way deep in the drug game before they hit 10th grade? This is serious stuff. It's one thing for someone who partially has their life together in their 20s, living in NYC or Miami or whatever and losing their self to drugs, but picking themselves back up.

But these posts, youngsters in their midteens, in their parents houses, addicted to hard drugs, maybe garnishing their mental and physical health for their entire lives, not to mention hurting their family, their future opportunities, everything. It breaks my heart. Drugs are serious shit. If you're a teenager, it's natural that you'd be curious, but smoke some damn weed! It's just unreal that people this young are getting into drugs so hard. These stories are not glamorous, and drugs at this age are sad, not cool or exciting.

Dude, stop doing drugs. Get help. For your own sake. You seem like a good writer and smart dude. It only gets worse the longer you're doing them at this level of usage and with these types of drugs. If you get out now, you're young and have a shot of making this a distant memory. I know you can do it!

/r/Drugs Thread