My dad killed my skink simply because he was a reptile

Exactly what I'm saying. I guess I don't think it's too important to say because the symptoms, the affects on others, how you deal with it are all so similar. I'm only really saying it now because of the similarities and congruence to some christian upbringing.

Like in this post, OP has stated a few times he doesn't think he dad has PD and is just a plain jerk. He knows his dad more than I ever will. But how to deal with someone who has control issues that make them willing to go as far as killing a child's pet on the fly in the backyard has congruence in personality and ways-to-deal-with the same as a lot people with real fullblown PDs.

In fact, the line we usually draw to officially label it mental disorder is when it affects the wellbeing of self or others and I would argue that this story constitutes mental disorder despite OPs feeling that his dad is no victim of it. Still, it doesn't really matter in the end. You use the same coping tools either way to make up for the neglect or abuse you suffer under parents with too many issues themselves to provide fully for a child.

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