My depression sent me down a path of habitual marijuana use, and it's gradually making me worse.

I feel for you man, I'm not sure if my situation is the same or if I'm not willing to admit to myself how SAD I really am ?

I have been struggling as an indie game developer for some time now. Ive given up everything to pursue my dreams of making a fighting game for consoles, and now SONY has approved my game but I can't afford a dev kit.

Im completely broke and I feel like every-time I try my hardest in LIFE I get absolutely no where. So I TOKE to shut down the pain and anger that I feel. But it doesn't really help. Maybe for a moment, but thats it.

And whenever I do try to quite my sadness turns into full rage mode and I cant even function! DAMN YOU SONY LEND ME A DEV KIT!

At this point in my life I dont know what to do. Ive been toking since I was 15 years old, I just turned 36 in Nov. And I dont want to anymore. I want to be successful and live a full life, but I cant help feeling like cursed lol.

Im sorry, I dont know what to say to cheer you dude, other than your not alone.

/r/depression Thread