My Fellow Men, What life lesson did you learn the hard way ?

Telling me that I can't be raped by a woman is not helping me.

You're very clearly grasping at straws here. Most of the women who have helped men significantly in the last 300 years have been feminists. You know it, which is why you included that condition.

There's this thing called information discovery and study.

This is moronic, and not how being a private citizen works.

Most people don't identify as feminists. You are in a bubble.

Most people ON THE LEFT absolutely identify as feminists.

A random civilian in any of those situations are not going to be paid.

Don't talk nonsense.


Yes, it's frustrating when people use your own logic against you, isn't it?

You do realize that battle maps of the Crimean war exist right

Okay, why don't you show me that maps you looked at which proved Mary didn't do the thing literally every historian agrees she did.

You don't know how soldier payment works.

Okay, how does it work? Why don't you provide a source to back up even a single thing you've said?

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