My Friend Ex (31/f) is in an abusive relationship

Wow! I just read through all of that.

Damn man you really got yourself involved in quite a situation! I don't even know where to begin....

There are several angles to this... but first, something that concerns me:

She is a very fragile woman who has obviously been abused on all levels by this coward (the guy you rescued her from). You have to understand that right now she feels very vulnerable and possibly mentally weak. Please don't impose yourself on her or try to give her a kiss. She isn't going to tell you "no" for fear of you doing something to her. Think about it. I know you're trying to be nice and all but...

She hasn't left your condo because she is afraid, very scared. Can you imagine being her? A beautiful, small and fragile woman with an absolutely crazy, huge boyfriend that is possibly out looking for her. Who knows what is on his mind? She is scared and might not have anywhere to turn to. She feels safest at your condo. Honestly, given how violent her ex-BF is.. he has probably threatened to kill her.

You need to start thinking of a resolution to all of this -- you can't procrastinate it because I feel it's only going to get worse.. Here is what I would do if I were in your shoes...

  • Start reaching out to local abuse hotlines/places
  • Try sitting down with her. Don't force her to talk or sit too close. Give her some space. Be kind and patient. Let her speak her mind out and feel comfortable. It might take a couple of hours...

There are several ways to go about this...

  • Law enforcement*. If you have any law enforcement connections then you can reach out and see what they can do to help. I'm sure they can do quite a lot.
  • Politicians. Do you have any connections with public officials? They can also help you a lot. If not then I would start reaching out.
  • She needs to move away. This is a bit extreme. I don't know. May very well be whats needed here. Just a thought.
/r/relationship_advice Thread