My friend says Canada is better than America, what can I say to shit on his opinion?

that article is pointing out a small minority with the funds to leave and seek better care. Socialized medicine provides competition to private care providers. without a socialized option the private care industry can do as they wish and charge what they want. Its basically price fixing. all the private care providers agree that prices should be artificially high and consipre to keep them that way.

It also sounds like a majority are elderly people - a group which should be waiting for procedures. They are a minority. the vast majority need simple basic care and their needs are met in socialized heath systems while at the same time providing competition to private care providers, driving prices down across the board.

Come to America and see for yourself. Our number one cause of personal bankruptcy is medical related. You have no idea how expensive basic medical care is here unless you have personally experienced it. Advanced care is obscenely expensive. Elder care is insane expensive.

Basically, illness (which nobody is immune from) is a one way ticket to personal financial ruin in america. not so in canada. Basic medical care and preventative (which is 99% of medical care) is taken care of. You dont have to go thru lfe worrying if a infection or car accident will RUNIN you financially.

Im lucky enough to live 10 minutes from canada (detroit area). I have never heard of a Canadian citizen coming here for medical care. Some of my family work in the heatcare industry and they report NEVER seeing a canadian citizen wilfully seeking health care in detroit.

I hear about desperately ill and poor people going to canada for healthcare all the time.

Our education system is pathetic and getting worse. Our infrastructures is crumbling. Our taxes are climbing. out economy is built on lies and negligence.

Canada is the land of milk and honey. Its gonna be the only decent place to live in north america in the coming decades. America is fucked. The toilet has already been flushed... We are just circling the toilet bowl waiting to go down the tubes.

/r/MURICA Thread Parent