My friend's Tinder

Amount of matches is only relevant to you saying you barely get matches then try to shit on guys. I'm not sure what your actual goal is but I am hesitant to take advice from someone who isn't really active in online dating.

Responding quickly is based on the girls text and her profile, if you can gather that she's looking for Mr right now, then waiting to respond only gives time for her to hit up the next guy. So if all you're looking for is a nut, then respond normally.

On girls you're looking to court, I vary the texting times mostly around my work schedule... Most of the time it's an hour to a few hours, sometimes it's 5 minutes. In the grand scheme of things, if you are more attractive I guarantee they won't be holding a stop watch (unless they are crazy and want you texting back asap).

What were you hoping to accomplish from this post?

/r/Tinder Thread Parent