My husband made us move to a state I dislike and I feel very resentful

I have been in your exact position before. My husband was accepted to his dream school and we had to move from our home state to a big city. I’m a small town kind of girl and moving to a city was VERY hard for me. Not having a car only made life more miserable. I had never taken public transportation or commuted very long to work so it was a complete shell shock. Because his school was so hard, he was constantly working. Mornings, afternoons, nights, weekends, if he was awake he was studying or doing homework. The resentment built up and it started to bleed into our relationship. I would take overtime shifts so that I wouldn’t have to go home and see him working and feel terrible that I had all this resentment towards someone who was literally giving their all so we could have a better life. He even had the final say on our apartment (which was a tiny shithole of a place) and that didn’t help. There were a lot of negatives hitting me all at once and I felt very alone and lost. Isolated from my family for the second time for him (I moved to CA while he was in the military a few years before this)

I told him everything one day. Laid it all out and told him I didn’t blame him for how things were going, but I didn’t want to hide my feelings toward him. And in his defense, he did everything he could to spend as much time with me as he could but I knew he was tired. I finally just decided to do things alone. If I wanted to go somewhere to eat, I went alone. If I wanted to go shopping, I went alone. He gave me as much time as he could and the rest of the time I did what I wanted to do.

He graduated but we still have a similar lifestyle to his school time. But I like it. I do what I want when I want and if he joins me, that’s just a happy bonus. We both are loners who like to spend an hour or two unwinding with each other but then we do our own thing. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for us.

If you ever need someone to vent to about this feel free to message me. I’ve been there so I’m happy to be an ear to listen.

/r/Marriage Thread