My suicidal girlfriend

I hope you’ll all bear with me here and try not to judge me until you’ve heard what I have to say, but I was your girlfriend years ago.

Long story short, I projected my feelings of sadness and despair onto my SO in hopes that they would be able to help me, because I couldn’t help myself. It worked for a while, until the burden was too much for them to bear. You cannot bear the weight of someone else’s problems, nor can you fix them by yourself. I said the VERY same thing she did. Eventually they had enough, I got worse, and worse, until I was faced with the decision to never recover, or begin recovering.

I’m here trying to help you with advice, so you can guess how things turned out.

Either she will go through with it, and it will not be your fault, or she’ll eventually get better and it’ll be partly because of you.

Either way, you’ve done all you can.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread