My wife of 15 years came out as gay, and I've been a wreck.

I've been in this situation for several years now. Hear me out, your son is very young,get out now. Build a life for yourself and your son. Come to an agreement on taking care of him. Reason why I say thus is it's less traumatic for him at two verses ten years when you can stand it anymore. I'm a father of four, I made the decision many years ago to co parent and deal with it. And it's a pain in the ass, my kids were younger then, and now I feel like this woman owns me. Think about yourself first, then the rest will fallow. You cannot be a good dad if you do something that's beneficial to your own emotions. It sucks, but you'll come out much better than being a puppet for her for the sake of your child. If you remain living together, your gonna have to get use to watching her new love life unfold. People will praise her and such, dont waits energy on why, just let it roll off your shoulders. Hit me up in my inbox if you need any advice,opinions, or just to rant. Please dont judge me for my opinion, but I wish I would've done shit differently.

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