I need accountability! (A tale of 2 horrible children)

But they are still horrible little creatures that I have obviously raised wrong.

They are selfish, spoiled, unappreciative and show no initiative towards anything-at all.

I could just give up on them and let them just become sucky adults,

no one is to blame for the way they were raised but their father and I.

I woke them up and they refused to get out of bed.

You know, for giving him VIP access to an amusement park.

I'm mad but I'm trying to not bite their heads off.

We go on some rides-I should mention I hate rides-and then get lunch.

I actually was yelled at by by 10 year old for taking a fry and-GASP!!-dipping it in his ketchup.

I thought since I paid for it, it was mine. I then tried to take a sip of my 13 year old's soda and he rolled his eyes and asked why I always have to take his stuff. Here I go again. Silly me,

The 13 year old, I'll call him "B" walked away from us towards another doorway to the ride when we were on line and didn't immediately come back.

I sent the Little One, ill call him LO (creative, right?) to go find him.

Well shoot, I lost both of them. The ex probably won't be happy-

I got on the ride as well and figured we'd meet up at the end. Yeah, no.

So, I'm fairly certain they have not been kidnapped so I wait.

"Sooooo, it was ok for me to wait for you?" They looked at me like well, duh!

I looked at my little spawn and was disgusted.

How did I raise them to be so entitled? So selfish?

I immediately take their phones from them. I told them Apple probably won't still be relevant by the time they get them back. I informed them their x-boxes will be taken away when we return home and their new summer bed time is 10pm.

B didn't like that and dropped his fork, in a way that I'll call "attitude-y". Another 30 minutes my friend!

I'm sorry but you want to know why your kids are entitled and selfish?

Look at the way you speak about them.

Look at the way you treat them

You are an entitled selfish person and they are just imitating the person they know the best. You.

/r/Parenting Thread