Need help. 26 years old. 1.5 years of testicle pain. 318 testosterone.

This is truly incredible as it’s 100% my story. December of 2017 I went to the hospital because of left testicle pain so bad I thought it was torsion. They did an ultrasound in the ER and it didn’t show anything.

I followed up with my primary who also suspected epididmytis. I also did not end up taking the prescribed antibiotics because there was no sign of infection and my anxiety sucks when taking new meds.

Fast forward to still have testicle pain, I go to the urologist. He eventually sent me to get a MRI after not really knowing what was causing the pain. The MRI came back fine in regards to my testicle. I did have some blood in my urine a couple trips but it was just trace blood and he wasn’t concerned. He sent me to a general surgeon to see if I had a hernia.

Went to general surgeon, no visible hernia.

Primary Care still doesn’t have a clue at this point what’s going on.

I decide to switch urologists. He sends me to get a CT scan and an ultrasound. Both fine again from a testicle perspective. He eventually told me he doesn’t have any answers for why I’m having the pain. Which is frustrating due to me feeling the veins inflamed behind me left testicle but him assuring it would have should up on the ultrasound. I have been struggling with depression and increased weight gain, lethargy, etc so I asked to a T test (which I got done today, which is crazy given the pain started over a year ago).

T came back at 318 today. He said I could follow up with an “endo” if I wanted but I’m still in normal range, just low for my age.

So here I am - currently still in left testicle pain (it’s not super sharp or anything but it’s always there. It doesn’t impact my life much) - but what does impact my life is my lack of energy.

I have no next steps and that’s what frustrates me more than anything.

TL;DR - we’re the same person evidently.

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