Need help with how to Workout when I have lots of time?

I really don't get where you're coming from at all there.

  1. I am looking for a program that is full time, not 45 minute sessions doing couch to 5k, which is why I posted a specific post looking for help from people who know about longer workout sessions and how to balance them out

  2. I already mentioned in my post the programs that you are telling me to read about in the FAQ..

  3. It really sounds like you've been burnt before by people who have said things like this, because I haven't said anything of the sort. I have had great results so far, and am In no way looking for a miracle solution like anything you describe, or complaining about lack of results, completely the opposite... I have already lost weight and am looking for advice from people who have done what I'm asking before on how to transition into the routine.

Maybe you know people who can't do something, and that's unfortunate, but I don't know why you've transferred there lack of commitment/failure/entitlement to my post, because that couldn't be further from the truth.

I'm just asking for advice that isn't in the FAQ or easily searchable online..

/r/Fitness Thread Parent