Need some talking points for discussing wanting to leave the church.

There are so many reasons to not want to be a part of it. Do you have kids? Because that is a great way to start. For me personally, I do not want my daughter growing up in a culture that tells her the things she needs to strive for in life are perfection, being a mother, being a wife, and being a homemaker. Perfection is dangerous, and I do not want my children growing up with that hanging over their heads. Being a mother/wife/homemaker are admirable jobs, but I want my daughter to have choices. I do not want her to feel like that is her only lot in life. I want her to reach her full potential, and I don't believe she could do that if she was being told from the moment she hit primary that her only goals should be to be barefoot in the kitchen.

I don't want my daughter thinking that her clothing choices will be to blame if boys and men behave badly towards her. I don't want her to think that her virtue is something that can be taken from her, and I don't ever want her to think that she is chewed bubblegum. I don't want her to feel the guilt and shame I felt when I went a little too far with my teenage boyfriend. I would feel so worthless after doing something "bad" with him. I don't ever want her to sit alone in a room with an old man and tell him about her sex life. I want my daughter to be a feminist, and I want her to know that she has the world at her fingertips and she doesn't need to ride on a man's coattails in order to succeed in life.

I don't want my son to go to church because I don't want him to ever feel shameful for being a normal boy who masturbates and is curious about porn. I don't want my son growing up in a culture that tells him girls are to blame if he has lustful thoughts and actions because a girl is wearing a short skirt or showing her shoulders. I don't want my son to think women are second class citizens that are not equal to men. I don't want him to think that his job in life is to provide financially while his wife cleans his toilets. I want him to know that if he decides to marry, his wife should be his equal and he should share in housework and she should share in financial obligations, if that is what they choose. I want him to encourage his future wife to reach her potential and not put her career and life on hold so that he can reach his dreams.

My kids cannot learn to treat the opposite sex as equals in the mormon church. They cannot learn normal human sexual behavior in that church. There are so many more reasons, but this is huge for me.

/r/exmormon Thread