The new DT

Depression comes in many forms. It can be a deep period of grief because of an event that goes away with time, or it may be grief that comes for seemingly no reason at all. Depression can also come from unhealthy thought patterns that cause damage to how we think and feel. It can also be genetic and unavoidable.

I feel like the most common form of modern depression comes from thinking errors that fester into mental illness. This doesn't make it less valid, less severe, or less deserving of treatment. A lot of people develop ways of thought that hurt themselves, and these thoughts can cycle into a hurricane of depression. Sometimes this can be treated by neutralizing the thinking errors, but sometimes the damage requires medicine to treat.

I'd say that these thinking errors are a byproduct of modern life at its current state. If we took steps to educate people on mental health maintenance and proper self-care then I feel like we'd see a noticeable reduction in mental illness.

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