New NYC law, San Francisco lawsuit highlight global risks for Airbnb | Reuters

the regulations are also designed to protect the hotel industry by ensuring the average person cannot enter the industry due to cost prohibitive of following all these regulations.

People don't enter into the hospitality industry, business do. It is very easy to enter into the industry if you think of it as a business.

the argument you've made about Airbnb causes problems isn't really based on anything. The positive and negative impacts have simply not been researched. You're assuming there are problems because they don't follow the same regulations as hotels do, when in fact they may not experience the same problems at all.

Would you like to talk to my friends and neighbors who have lost their long-term leases because the landlord turned the house into an AirBnB listing? Would you like to talk to the people displaced from the neighborhood because some out of state investor has bought up multiple houses and turned them into AirBnB rentals? You cannot make the argument about "keeping the money in the community" because this owner is clearly running a business. They even have a property manager local to handle the keys.

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