New Year fireworks and festivities have been cancelled in the Belgian capital, Brussels, because of terror alert.

Alls these deaths because of MRSA add up tot a total of 13725 deaths in the last 10 years.

This could have been avoided if doctors and nurses washed their hands more and prescribed antibiotics less frequent.

I agree that deaths have been avoided because the police did a great job intercepting them. But all the facts mentioned above are about people that have actually died because we do not intervene even though we only have to enforce small changes.

Now because people might die we are actually intervening by closing down whole cities and canceling big traditional public events

I feel we are now overreacting to terrorism, this has a negative effect on our economy and values of society. We are reacting because we are scared of the image that governments and the global media have created of modern terrorism. And there are benefits to be had because of this, it gives political parties power of fear , and it makes us produce weaponry for war which ends up in the Middle-East

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