Be nice or the Devs will stop posting Disclaimer: This was written by a dev for the game Anthem on their subreddit but I think it should be noted for devs from all games including our very ownApex Devs. Game Devs are people too.

Fuck that. They work for us. Not the other way around. When im selling something i make sure that the people buying my shit are satisfied.

This is like Kanye saying dont @ me on twitter. Wtf is this shit. I can understand you need to be constructive when addressing things you dont like. But come on. If they deliver trash its only right people get angry at them and not be nice.

Overwatch isnt perfect and people are toxic too. But the game works and people usually address th dev team with respect but also with angry responses (mercy nerf made a lot of full grown men quit life).

If they dont want to reply because they are being cursed out for delivering trash. Fair enough id rather see them improve it as well and work on the game. But if the stop replying and keep delivering trash. They deserve every shitty comment they get.

Again, they work for our entertainment. We pay them. Not the other way around. Fuck being respectful if they don’t do their job properly.

and even if a team fucks up. If they are transparent throughout the games lifespan, nobody will be upset. People appreciate constant updates on social. That shit is rare these days and just like this post says. The devs think they are rock stars and you should always be respectful cause they are doing us a favor. Foh with that bullshit.

Im glad Respawn is as transparent even tho the sub is full of potatoes crying about their shitty pc crashing or battle pass when.?!

Every dev should be transparent at all times cause bad apples will always ruin it for the rest. Since they are the loudest. Just take a look around on the sub and see all the idiots scream at respawn for the pettiest of things.

Lets hope they dont get as cocky as the Anthem devs and keep replying to us eventho people will be toxic regardless.

/r/apexlegends Thread Link -