The night before Josh McCown was about to leave to play football in Canada, he received a call from Lovie Smith to play for the Bears. He turned it down because he "didn't want to leave an example for [his] kids of 'hey as soon as something better comes along, jump onto that.''

Yeah pretty dumb honestly. I remember being a kid and getting so irritated by adults who couldn't fathom that my 11ish year old brain could have the ability to differentiate between situations and understand context. It felt like adults thought my simpleton mind was governed by the most basic concepts imaginable. In reality, I played a little game in my head where I would try to guess what the next person would say in an adult conversation. Not even going to lie, I got pretty good at it. It was difficult to guess exact words but I would generally get the overall meaning of the comment on the first guess. I was most accurate with my close family, but eventually I could guess a proficient amount correctly after a relatively short period of time with anyone. I'm sure you're thinking 'but pantera de sexo, of course your 11 or 12 year old brain thinks you were good at it.' But that right there is exactly the type of thinking I'm talking about. I seriously objectively evaluated my success with this and in a Shyamayanalam-esque twist it ended up fucking me up for awhile. I hit that classic Holden Caulfield/Alceste stage where I was convinced everyone was so fake and nobody ever had any real conversation. Actually, now that I think about it, I never left that stage. I'm actually still pretty convinced that's a half truth, but the good news is I use my knowledge of what certain people say and do to become what I figured people expected me to. It's fucking exhausting. Damn I'm depressed. Well this got way deeper than any of us expected after the first sentence, and it honestly has almost nothing to do with the you'd. But, since I just spent like 20 minute typing this poorly written comment which turned into a poorly written sob story, and since there is a likelihood that nobody will actually see this, I'm going to hit that little post button and say fuck it, that just happened

/r/nfl Thread